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Debbie Watson, Difficult Conversations: Supporting Discussions About Care

Difficult Conversations has worked with children and adults to co-create training tools to help adoptive parents, foster carers and social workers deal honestly and directly with difficult questions from the children in their care. They can help children build secure and positive identities and approach conversations around life story confidently, with curiosity and kindness.

The difficult conversation resources are available to all practitioners looking to run training courses on difficult conversations associated with adoption and foster care.

Vicky Sharley and Alyson Rees: Working with Children who have Experienced Neglect

CoramBAAF Publishing Manager, Jo Francis, Vicky Sharley and Alyson Rees discuss the complexities of diagnosing neglect in looked after children and how its impact can manifest itself differently from child to child.

Jon Symonds and Katie Riches, C-Change – Capacity to Change

C-Change is a flexible approach to assessing parents’ capacities to change where the children are in need or at risk of harm.

C-Change is a flexible approach to assessing parents’ capacities to change where the children are in need or at risk of harm.

C-Change aims to fill a gap in practice guidance and help practitioners think through questions of whether parent(s) can change things sufficiently to ensure that their child is well cared for into the future.